California Right to Know Act
California Senate Bill No. 258, the “Cleaning Product Right to Know Act of 2017” requires that manufacturers who sell designated products in the State disclose information about certain chemicals contained in those products. Any chemical listed in SB-258 must be disclosed. Archipelago considers certain information about its fragrance blends as confidential trade secrets. As provided for in SB-258, any ingredient claimed as confidential information will not be disclosed; however, the use of any withheld ingredient and any fragrance allergen included on Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation No. 1223/2009 is disclosed.
Information on the date of manufacture of any designated product is available by calling (800) 399-4994.
For more information regarding SB-258, click here.
Each Archipelago product subject to SB-258 is listed below. Click for detailed information: